Frequently Asked Questions
Can I pay for the fusion session over several instalments?
Yes, you can pay for the fusion of your choice in three instalments over a three month period, once it has been paid in full we will commence with the treatment. If you would like to make use of this option please email us for more information
Are reports sent via email?
Yes, if you have purchased a therapy that includes a report it will be sent directly to you via email, if you have purchased a therapy that includes a Zoom session you will be contacted via email as soon as the session has been completed to schedule a time for your one on one feedback session.
If a report is not included in the service do I still receive an update on what happened?
Yes, if your choice of therapy does not include a comprehensive report or a one on one feedback session we will still send you an email with a breakdown of the details that came up during your session.
What is the difference between the “Individual Quantum Healing” and the “Twin Flame Quantum Healing”?
The individual quantum healing is a comprehensive therapy it includes an assessment and a re-balancing of all physical, emotional and spiritual components of the individual. This also includes a 45minute one on one feedback session over Zoom.
The twin flame quantum healing is an assessment and a re-balancing of the emotional and spiritual components blocking your path to union.
Do you need pictures of me and my twin?
No, we are able to complete the therapy without pictures of yourself and your twin.
I don’t remember the exact date when my twin and I started talking but I remember the date when we first met physically, does this make a difference to the therapy?
No, if you are only able to remember the date of your physical meeting we are able to use that without any effect on the therapy.
How do you determine the answer for the Twin Flame Connection Check?
Remember that any testing or rebalancing done on the SCIO is done via interaction with the persons energetic body. Anything that is has a specific frequency so in the case of determining if someone is indeed your twin or not the question is sent to your energetic body, asking your own higher self if it is true that the specific person is your twin. Like with the Yes/No service we are only able to ask questions with a yes or no answer.
How does your privacy policy work?
We work like doctors, any information you share with us is completely confidential and will not be discussed or given out to anybody?